India is projected as the largest democracy in the world because of ever increasing population of the country, But how good is the democratic system? Looking closely you will find that Indian democracy is sham and a lie. Corrupt politicians, arrogant civil servants, terrorizing police, and demoralized minorities make of the nation. The Indian judicial system consists of monkey judges who pass judgement under order from their political masters. Indian Judiciary System - a mockery of justice Here are some of the reasons why Sikhs feel betrayed by Indian constitution, political, judicial, and economic system: 1. Eversince independence, Delhi governments have systematically discriminated against Punjab state and favored neighboring state Haryana. Lack of investment have set the economy of state from 1st to 13th position. Why? Is it because Punjab has been ruled by non-Congress party or is it blatant discrimination? 2. During British Raj, the Sikhs represented 35% ...