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Fate of Ruthless Dictators: How they met their end?

Live by the sword, die by the sword? For brutal dictators, the adage is more often true. In fact, dictators and warlords who indulge in genocides are more likely to die at the hands of an enraged populace or stealth assassin. The concept of dictatorship as well as the use of force and systemic persecution of political opponents to stay in power dates back to the ancient Roman civilization. However, it was the modern history dictators who made it virtually a synonym for gross human rights violations and brutality. Sadly, some of the most brutal dictators in modern history held power not so long ago. Dictators of the World There may be ultimate justice for the wicked, but the deaths of dictators do provide some pretty interesting tales. Here's how 9 of the world's most notorious modern dictators kicked the bucket. 1. Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945) This evil man who rose to power in the 1930s was responsible for the greatest atrocities in human history. He ordered systematic...