Chhabra (pronounced Chhabrha) Punjabi - ਛਾਬੜਾ, Hindi - छाबड़ा Gujarati - છાબડા Chhabras are a common demographic group found primarily in Punjab region. The Chhabras are considered a subset (Gotra: Sankrit, Got: Punjabi) of Punjabi Arora community. In fact Chhabras originating from Chhab, West Punjab are a distinct but related to the Aroras originating from Aror , Sindh. The ancestors of Chhabras were mainly concentrated in West Punjab (now Pakistan) along the banks of the Indus River and its tributaries; in the Majha region in East Punjab (India), and the North-West Frontier Province; and in Sindh (mainly as Sindhi Aroras) In post-independence and post-partition India, Aroras and Chhabra mainly reside in Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Delhi, Jammu, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Gujarat. Map of Indus Valley Civilization Sites Demography Almost all Chhabras are either Sikhs or Hindus. There are some Muslim Chhabras who live in West Punjab, Pakistan or in We...