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Showing posts with the label Indira Priyadarshini

Indira Gandhi - Heroine or Monster?

Spooky similarity between Indira Gandhi and Cruela De Vil from 101 Dalmatians With her "Cruella DeVil" hairstyle, Indira Gandhi reminds me of the comic vamp from Disney movie 101 Dalmatians who hunted for dalmatian puppies for her fur coat. History will cast Indira Gandhi as a manipulative, divisive, and a cruel dictator who had blood of thousands of  innocent Indian citizens on her hand. Indira Gandhi as Goddess Durga Indira manipulated the Punjab situation with an eye on the forthcoming 1984 general election in India. In the past her strategy had been to divide the Hindu votes on castes and win elections on minority support. But the rise of Hindu right wing and success of BJP's movement to liberate the birth place of Hindu God Rama under the "Ram Janambhoomi" program had shaken her calculations. She saw Hindus united under one banner. She schemed a different strategy for the next elections. Her strategy was clear - paint minority Sikhs as ...