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Showing posts with the label Kesh

Turban a Target of Racism or Inferiority Complex?

In Sikhism, Kesh (sometimes Kes ) is the practice of allowing one's hair to grow naturally out of respect for the perfection of God's creation. The practice is one of The Five Kakaars, the outward symbols introduced by Guru Gobind Singh in 1699 as symbols of Khalsa , the spiritual Sikh warrior. The hair is combed twice daily with a Kanga , another of the Five Ks, and tied into a simple knot known as a Joora or Rishi knot. This knot of hair is usually covered by a turban. Young Sikh Men with No Turbans Young Sikhs of Today In modern times the trend of short hair has encroached upon this age old tradition. It is estimated that half of Sikh men have already abandoned the turban and cut their hair. The reasons for them cutting their unshorn hair include the following Simple convenience (avoiding the daily maintenance and tying turban) Social pressure from the mainstream culture to adjust their appearance to fit the norm Desire to indulge in activities like smoking, dr...