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Showing posts with the label Islam sikhism

Jehad against Humanity

The western world has just been exposed to the expansionist and destructive philosophy of radical Islam. The acts and venomous rhetoric of these radical Islamists has shaken the liberal core of Europe. The Europeans and the most of Western world are at loss to comprehend the viral force that they are confronted with. May be they could take some lessons from Punjabis in general and Sikhs in particular. Radical Islamists in Europe Background on Jehad Radical Islamists take their cue from the writings of Quran and Suras that asserts that Islam must be supreme among religions. Members of all religions other than Islam are classified as ' Kuffars ' - and their followers as Kafirs or infidels who must be humiliated and in some cases exterminated. Jews and Christians who accept the supremacy of Islam are dhimmis (zimmis) who are allowed to live in subjugation, although the Koran requires that all Jews must be exterminated eventually. Sharia, Jehad, and Infidels Sikhs (tog...