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Showing posts from May, 2022

Time to Rebrand Punjab Police?

Punjab Police Constable The uniform of a security force should be in sync with its role and its environment. As the Punjab Police grapples with its anti-people image crisis due to the hangover of the militancy days in the state, being labelled as an instrument of the ruling parties, and an aged blue and red uniform that is remnants of the colonial era. This blog is not going to cover all the ills with the Punjab Police but discuss the public perception of it being being anti-Sikh, instrument of the ruling parties, corruption at all levels, alcoholism, and not forgetting the fitness of the force that used to be the fittest and most athletic of all Indian police.  Icon of Oppression To control all colonies of the empire, The British colonial rulers  created modern institutions of governance for their subjects. The institution of the police was one such tool to control the natives. The British colonizers used Indian Police as weapon for surveillance, domination, and oppression of the

Porus The Great

  King Porus of Punjab A great battle took place in 326 BC at the banks of river Jhelum in West Punjab between Alexander , the greek-macedonian king and Porus , the king of Punjab. This battle halted the eastward advance of the Greek-Macedinian army and eventually led to the downfall of the Alexander's empire. So devastating was the psychological impact of this battle that the greek soldiers refused to fight and demanded to go back home. Alexander had ambitious goal of conquering India, but the battle against Porus curbed his aspirations and he retured back to Persia a dejected man. Alexander's Invasion of India Alexander crossed Hindukush mountains via the Khyber Pass in 327 BC after defeating the Indo-Persian satrapy of Gandhara . Next was the great kingdom of Taxila . Its King Ambhi submitted without offering any resistance to Alexander. Next target for Alexander was King Abhisares , the king of Abhira including the region of Jammu and Kashmir. Abhisares also sent his ambass